Shiva Kaul

Machine Learning Researcher

Presenting work at MLHC.

About me

I work on computational and statistical methods at the intersection of machine learning and healthcare (as described below). I graduated from the Ph.D. program at Carnegie Mellon's Computer Science Department. My thesis developed syntheses between classical and modern machine learning techniques which achieved "best of both worlds" results in terms of safety and accuracy. My advisor was the razor-sharp, incredibly-patient Geoff Gordon. Earlier, I earned an M.S. under Mahadev Satyanarayanan on the topic of human-in-the-loop machine learning. I was fortunate to spend time at Microsoft Research under Denny Zhou developing statistical learning theory for hierarchical classifiers.

Current work on meta-analysis

I am designing a system which answers questions about healthcare interventions in a rigorous, comprehensive manner. "Rigorous" requires meaningful, falsifiable guarantees about how well the causal effect is estimated. "Comprehensive" means using as much data as possible. Unfortunately, the two dominant paradigms for answering such questions — language models in artificial intelligence, and meta-analysis in medicine — don't have these properties. Language models don't enjoy correctness guarantees; meanwhile, to preserve their causal rigor, meta-analyses are restricted solely to randomized controlled trials. The solution is a careful fusion of these approaches which I call conformal meta-analysis.

This answers the question comprehensively by involving both randomized trials and observational data. Even if the latter are confounded, the resulting predictions are supported by rigorous correctness guarantees. See the paper for more details.

Multiple research groups and I are collaborating to achieve this vision.

Selected papers

Selected talks

Open source

I am the creator and maintainer of the Rust CLI tool mky. Based on the same cryptographic infrastructure as passkeys, mky allows you to sign, encrypt, and verify messages using unphishable secret keys embedded on your mobile phone. (Like a Yubikey would, but you don't have to pay $50, carry it around, and worry about losing it). This means more secure ssh, scp, git commit signing, and age encryption — all in one easy-to-use bundle available on Linux, Mac, and Windows.

I make some effort to push changes and fixes upstream. For example, I'm working on some new deployment features for Bun and uWebSockets. I've merged small fixes to OpenSSH, agenix, various NixOS packages, torchdiffeq, torch, torch7, etc.


I was a teaching assistant for following courses at Carnegie Mellon: I was the lead instructor for the following courses: I created some concise measure-theoretic probability flashcards, while reading an assortment of books and taking a couple courses on the subject.


I have participated in distance running, CrossFit, and (these days) powerlifting / barbell training. I enjoy cooking and taking care of Arktos, my Samoyed dog.

Arktos pup at the vet.


Email is preferred.